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Today is Apr 27 2024 10:27:45 am - GMT+8 Philippine Time
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Welcome to Markyctrigger Animated Ad Contest where all animators unites...

This beta-testing is open to all, once the beta-test is done your entry might have a chance to pre-qualify.

Please take note of the following:
 (On Contest Form page)
- Form should return an error message when one or more input/select boxes are empty/not-selected
  > Name - contestant's Name should return an error if its empty
  > Email - contestant's Email address should return an error if its empty, you need to use an active Email address in order for you to receive the notification and the details on how to update your entry if needed as necessary
  > Why should we choose yours? - contestant's reason why we should choose your entry, it should return an error if its empty
  > Category - choosen Category for the submitted entry, it should return an error if no Category is selected
  > File Upload - entry to be submitted, it should return an error if no entry is selected/uploaded, should also return an error if it did not passed the required image/swf size (dimension by pixels) depending on Category selected and image/swf file size
  > Verification - alphanumeric code to prevent spamming, it should return an error if code does not match with the displayed code
- Only 1 Entry per Category should be accepted, if it accepted more than 1 on a Category please report it to us
- An email notification will be sent to you containing details on how to update your entry if needed as necessary, so you need to use an active Email address
- If there is an error kindly click Report Other Errors with the errors you see so that we can correct it

 (On Entry List page)
- Entry List should displayed all entries submitted, each entry should have details like contestant's Name/Category choosen/Date Submitted/Entry
- Entry column should displayed Under review/View/Disqualified:
  > Under review - if entry is just recently/newly submitted
  > View - if entry has passed the qualifications
  > Disqualified - if entry did not passed the qualifications
- If there is an error kindly click Report Other Errors with the errors you see so that we can correct it

 (On View entry page)
- Entry Details should displayed Name/Category/Approval/Submitted date/Why should we choose yours?:
- If there is an error kindly click Report Other Errors with the errors you see so that we can correct it

 (On Frequently Asked Questions page)
- If there are errors or would like to add something in the FAQ page kindly Contact Us with your suggestion or errors you see in the FAQ so that we can correct or add it

- If the Report Error form did not appear and there is an error kindly click Report Other Errors with the errors you see so that we can correct it

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